17 Essential GitHub Repositories for Software Developers

Every developer wants to finish the work assigned to them quickly. No developer wants to keep looking for resources. As developers, we want to work smarter rather than harder.
Here’s an amazing list of GitHub repositories that will make your life as a developer easier.
I use some of them regularly in my work.

1. HTML5 Boilerplate

49.5K GitHub stars
How can this repository help you?
According to the README file in this GitHub repository:
“HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
This project is the product of over 10 years of iterative development and community knowledge.”
Key features
This is designed with progressive improvement in mind.
Includes Apache Server Config, which will help improve website security. It will also help improve the performance of the website.
CSS helper classes are also available.
You can easily remove all the parts you don’t need.
Easy-to-read documentation is available.
A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. – h5bp/html5-boilerplate

2. Developer Roadmap

154K GitHub stars
How can this repository help you?
This repository consists of charts that will demonstrate different paths. These paths include all the technologies you could learn to become a frontend, backend, or DevOps developer.
Key features
It consists of easy-to-follow roadmaps.
This will guide you on your journey to becoming a developer.
If you want to become a frontend developer, this repository will provide you with all the topics you need to learn, such as how the internet works, etc.
Even if you want to work on the backend and DevOps, this repository will provide you with roadmaps. As a beginner, you shouldn’t be overwhelmed with all these technologies.
As a beginner, you only need to focus on one of the technologies. You will get a better understanding of all the things that can be done in the future.

3. Realworld

56.8K GitHub stars
How can this repository help you?
As the name suggests, this repository is meant to help you with a real-world example of an application.
“While most ‘todo’ demos provide an excellent cursory glance at a framework’s capabilities, they typically don’t convey the knowledge & perspective required to actually build real applications with it.”
Key features
If you are someone who is learning to code, this repository can help you learn different frontend and backend frameworks. You can learn to solve real-life problems using various frameworks.
If you are a developer who wants to switch from a frontend or backend framework, you can use this repository to help you learn through real-world applications.
This repository allows you to choose any frontend framework and any backend framework. After deciding which framework to use, you can use that framework to see how they feed the real world through a fully designed full-stack app called “Conduit.”

4. Public APIs

117K GitHub stars
How can this repository help you?
This repository contains a list of free APIs that are used in software and web development.
Key features
A list of free APIs including animals, anime, books, business, calendar, and various others.
It also contains the Gmail API and the Google Analytics API.
If you get an approved build status, all listed APIs are available.
A failed build status indicates that one or more services are currently unavailable.
As a developer, you will always need to use API. Therefore, it can be a very useful free resource.


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